חיפושים נפוצים
תואר ראשון תואר שני לימודי ערב מלגות


Member of the Software Committee

Research Interests:

Non linear Electro-Optic Crystals, Electro-Holography, Semiconductor Devices, New Semiconductor Proccesses.

Representative Publications:

  1. J. Agrant , M. Razvag, M. Balberg “Photorefractive hologram fixing by a 4K cooldown to the phase transition in K1-xLixTa1-yNby O3” Applied Phsysics Letters 68,2469 (1997)
  2. Balberg, M. Razvag, E. Refaeli and A.J. Agranat “Electric field multiplexing of volume holograms in paraelectric crystals” Applied Optics, February 1998.
  3. G Bitton, M Razvag, and Aharon J Agranat. 1998. “Formation of Metastable Ferroelectric Clusters in K1-XLiXTa1-YNbYO3:Cu, V at the Paraelectric Phase.” Phys. Rev. B , 58, 9, Pp. 5282-5286.
  4. Balberg, M. Razvag, S. Vidro, E. Refaeli and A.J. Agranat “Elecroholographic neurons implemented on KLTN crystals” Optics Letters 21,1544-1546 (1996).
  5. Aharon J Agranat, Lavi Secundo, Noam Golshani, and Meir Razvag. 2001. “Wavelength-selective photonic switching in paraelectric potassium lithium tantalate niobate.” Optical Materials, 18, 1, Pp. 195 - 197.
  6. Sagi Frishman, Meir Razvag, Aharon J. Agranat,“Fast Electroholographic Wavelength Selective Switching Implemented in a Slab Waveguide” Optics Letters42(18), pp. 3582 – 3585 (2017).

Mr. Meir Razvag

Phone: +972-2-659-1890
לייעוץ אישי