Coordinator of the Azrieli College Seminar Series
Member of the industry relations institutional forum
Coordinator of the mechanical engineering departmental industry-academia advisory committee
Chair of the 4th Azrieli College research conference organizing committee
Chair of the occupational safety committee
Research Interests:
Development, design, modeling, construction and testing of solar energy applications
Optimization methodology for selection and evaluation of energy solutions
Integration of multiple energy sources into comprehensive community solutions
Sustainable agriculture
Representative Publications:
- Doron, P., Karni, J. and Slocum, A., Selecting a Self-Sufficient Solar System Configuration for 24/7, Year-Round, Per-Demand Power Supply, SolarPACES 2020, Albuqueque, NM - online, Sep 29-Oct 2, 2020
- Doron, P., Karni, J. and Slocum, A. (2019). A Generalized Approach for Selecting Solar Energy System Configurations for a Wide Range of Applications. MRS Energy & Sustainability, 6, E11. doi:10.1557/mre.2019.10
- Doron, P., A High Temperature Receiver for a Solarized Micro-Gas-Turbine, SolarPACES 2019, Daegu, South Korea, Oct 1-4, 2019, accepted for publication in AIP Conference Proceedings
- Doron, P., Karni, J. and Slocum, A., Modified Levelized Energy Cost (LEC) Including Societal Impact, SolarPACES 2019, Daegu, South Korea, Oct 1-4, 2019 (poster)
- Nelson, J., Johnson, N.G., Doron, P. and Stechel, E.B., Thermodynamic modedling of solarized microturbine for combined heat and power applications, Applied Energy, 212, 592-606, 2018
- Alelyani, S.M., Fette, N.W., Stechel, E.B., Doron, P. and Phelan, P.E., Techno-economic analysis of combined ammonia-water absorption refrigeration and desalination, Energy Conversion and Management, 143, 493-504, 2017