Head of Math Unit
Research Interests:
Representative Publications:
- Katchalski and H. Last, On geometric graghs with no two edges in convex position, Discrete Comput. Geom. 19, 399—404 (1998). (IF = 0.816, Cited 8 times)
- Alon, H. Last, R. Pinchasi, and M. Sharir, On the complexity of arrangements of circles in the plain, Discrete Comput. Geom. 26, 465—492 (2001). (IF = 0.816, Cited 11 times)
- Last, Two proofs for Sylvester's problem using an allowable sequence of permutations, Combinatorial and Computational Geometry, 433—437, MSRI publications 52, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005.
- Last and R. Pinchasi, At Least n-1 intersection points in a connected family of n unit circles in the plane, Discrete Comput. Geom. 38, 321—354 (2007). (IF = 0.816)
- Kupitz YS, Last H, Martini H, Perles MA, Pinchasi R. Crossing matchings and circuits have maximal length. J Graph Theory. 2019;1–
Dr. Hagit Last
Faculty member of Academic Studies in Mathematics
Academic Studies in Mathematics