חיפושים נפוצים
תואר ראשון תואר שני לימודי ערב מלגות


 Head of Math Unit

Research Interests:


Representative Publications:

  1. Katchalski and H. Last, On geometric graghs with no two edges in convex position, Discrete Comput. Geom. 19, 399—404 (1998). (IF = 0.816, Cited 8 times) 
  1. Alon, H. Last, R. Pinchasi, and M. Sharir, On the complexity of arrangements of circles in the plain, Discrete Comput. Geom. 26, 465—492 (2001). (IF = 0.816, Cited 11 times) 
  1. Last, Two proofs for Sylvester's problem using an allowable sequence of permutations, Combinatorial and Computational Geometry, 433—437, MSRI publications 52, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005. 
  1. Last and R. Pinchasi, At Least n-1 intersection points in a connected family of n unit circles in the plane, Discrete Comput. Geom. 38, 321—354 (2007). (IF = 0.816) 
  1. Kupitz YS, Last H, Martini H, Perles MA, Pinchasi R. Crossing matchings and circuits have maximal length. J Graph Theory. 2019;1–



Dr. Hagit Last

Faculty member of Academic Studies in Mathematics
Academic Studies in Mathematics
לייעוץ אישי