Academic Staff Head of Academic Studies in Physics
Research Interests:
- Transport and Photo-transport in polycrystalline semiconductors, the influence of the grain boundaries on the conduction properties and its importance to solar cells.
- Transport and photo- transport properties of nano-crystalline silicon, spectroscopy and quantum-size effects. Local measurements of the electric conduction in disordered systems and composite materials.
- Percolation in composite materials.
Representative Publications:
- Azulay, M. Eylon, O. Eshkenazi, D. Toker, M. Balberg, N. Shimoni, O. Millo, and I.Balberg, “Electrical-Thermal Switching in Carbon-Black–Polymer Composites as a Local Effect” Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 236601 (2003).
- Azulay, O. Millo, I. Balberg, H.W. Schock, I. Visoly-Fisher and D. Cahen, "Current routes in polycrystalline CuInSe2 and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 films" Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 91 85 (2007).
- Levi Aharoni, D. Azulay, O. Millo and I. Balberg, "Anomalous photovoltaic effect in nanocrystalline Si/SiO2 composites", Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 112109 (2008).
- Steiner, D. Azulay, A. Aharoni, A. Salant, U. Banin, and O. Millo, “Photoconductivity in aligned CdSe nanorod arrays”, Phys. Rev. B, 80, 195308 (2009).
- D. Azulay, O. Millo, E. Savir, J. P. Conde, and I. Balberg, “Microscopic and macroscopic manifestations of percolation transitions in a semiconductor composite”, Phys. Rev. B, 80, 245312, (2009)