חיפושים נפוצים
תואר ראשון תואר שני לימודי ערב מלגות


Projects Coordinator 

Research Interests:

Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Separation Processes, Entropy of Complicated Systems. 

Representative Publications:

  1. E.Barsky, (2009), Efficacy of Separation of Pourable Material, High Temperature, vol.47, no.6,  pp.856-862, Springer.
  2. E.Barsky , (2013), Entropy of two-phase flows in the mode of separation, Journal of Mining Science, Volume 43, Issue 2, pp.308-318 Springer.
  3. E.Barsky, (2014), Entropy Invariants of Two-Phase Flows, Elsevier. (248 pages)
  4. E.Barsky, (2017), Gibbs Entropic Paradox and Problems of Separation Processes, Elsevier. (200 pages)
  5. E.Barsky, (2020) Optimization of the Main Parameters of Separation of Bulk Materials in Verticle Cascade Classifiers Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, 61(2), pp. 134-137, Springer.
  6. E.Barsky, (2020), Entropy of Complex Processes and Systems, Elsevier.(280 pages)
  7. E.Barsky, (2021) Modes  of Motion of the Medium and Universal Curves for Gravity Separation Processes,  Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, 62(1)
  8. E.Barsky,( 2021), Certain Challanges Assotiated with  Heat Capacity, 62(4), pp. 392-393,Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer.
  9. E.Barsky,(2022), Overcoming Problems the Accotiated with the Entropy Parameter, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, 62(6), pp.680-686.
  10. E.Barsky,(2022), Certain properties of  Entropy in Critical Regimes of Two Phase Flows, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, ,63(2), pp.126-129.
  11. E.Barsky, (2022),Gibbs Paradox as a Derivative of Composition Entropy, ,Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, 63(4).
  12. E.Barsky, (2023), A Property of Extreme Entropy Values in Critical Regimes of Two-Phase Flows, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, 63(6), pp. 616-619.
  13. E.Barsky, (2023), Material Distribution in the Channel Height in Critical Regimes of Vertical To Phase Flows, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, 64(2), pp. 115-118.

Dr. Binyamin (Eugene) Barsky

Phone: 972-2-6591840
לייעוץ אישי