Projects Coordinator
Research Interests:
Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Separation Processes, Entropy of Complicated Systems.
Representative Publications:
- E.Barsky, (2009), Efficacy of Separation of Pourable Material, High Temperature, vol.47, no.6, pp.856-862, Springer.
- E.Barsky , (2013), Entropy of two-phase flows in the mode of separation, Journal of Mining Science, Volume 43, Issue 2, pp.308-318 Springer.
- E.Barsky, (2014), Entropy Invariants of Two-Phase Flows, Elsevier. (248 pages)
- E.Barsky, (2017), Gibbs Entropic Paradox and Problems of Separation Processes, Elsevier. (200 pages)
- E.Barsky, (2020) Optimization of the Main Parameters of Separation of Bulk Materials in Verticle Cascade Classifiers Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, 61(2), pp. 134-137, Springer.
- E.Barsky, (2020), Entropy of Complex Processes and Systems, Elsevier.(280 pages)
- E.Barsky, (2021) Modes of Motion of the Medium and Universal Curves for Gravity Separation Processes, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, 62(1)
- E.Barsky,( 2021), Certain Challanges Assotiated with Heat Capacity, 62(4), pp. 392-393,Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer.
- E.Barsky,(2022), Overcoming Problems the Accotiated with the Entropy Parameter, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, 62(6), pp.680-686.
- E.Barsky,(2022), Certain properties of Entropy in Critical Regimes of Two Phase Flows, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, ,63(2), pp.126-129.
- E.Barsky, (2022),Gibbs Paradox as a Derivative of Composition Entropy, ,Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, 63(4).
- E.Barsky, (2023), A Property of Extreme Entropy Values in Critical Regimes of Two-Phase Flows, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, 63(6), pp. 616-619.
- E.Barsky, (2023), Material Distribution in the Channel Height in Critical Regimes of Vertical To Phase Flows, Refractories and Industrial Ceramics, Springer, 64(2), pp. 115-118.