Dean of Students
Electro-Optics Lab
Electric & Electrical Engineering Department
Final Projects Manager
Research Interests:
- Pinhole optics, Medical imaging, Biomedical optics, Optical super resolution and Electro-optical devices.
Representative Publications:
Articles in Refereed Journals
- A. Schwarz, A. Shemer, Y. Danan, R. Bar-Shalom, H. Avraham, A. Zlotnik and Z. Zalevsky, "Gamma Radiation Imaging System via Variable and Time-Multiplexed Pinhole Arrays," Sensors 20(11), 1-14 (2020).
- M. Benyamin, H. Genish, R. Califa, A. Schwarz, Z. Zalevsky and N. Ozana, "Non-contact Photoacoustic Imaging using Laser Speckle Contrast Analysis," Optics Letters 44(12), 3110-3113 (2019).
- A. Schwarz, N. Ozana, R. Califa, A. Shemer, H. Genish and Z. Zalevsky, "Coherent Elastographic Tomography via Speckle Time Multiplexing," Quantum Electronics 49(1), 35-42 (2019). Invited paper.
- Y. Danan, A. Schwarz, M. Sinvani and Z. Zalevsky, "Sensitivity Enhanced Photo-thermal Borders Detection in Bio-phantoms Enriched with Gold Nanoparticles," Advanced Materials Letters 9(7), 471-475 (2018).
- I. Gabay, A. Shemer, A. Schwarz and Z. Zalevsky, "2D Mono Detection Spatially Super-resolved Microwave Imaging for Radar Applications," Applied Optics 57(7), B114-B121 (2018).
- A. Schwarz, J. Wang, A. Shemer, Z. Zalevsky and B. Javidi, "Lensless Three-dimensional Integral Imaging using Variable and Time Multiplexed Pinhole Array," Optics Letters 40(8), 1814-1817 (2015).
Chapters in Scientific Books
- Z. Zalevsky, A. Schwarz, A. Gur, R. Aharoni, A. Weiss, D. Fixler, Y. Garini, D. Mendlovic, V. Micó, C. Ferreira and J. García, "Usage of Wavelength Multiplexing for Super Resolved Imaging and Spatial Data Compression," Advances in Communications and Media Research, Volume 9, Nova publishers (2013).
Peer-Reviewed Proceedings and Conference Proceedings
- A. Shemer, Y. Danan and A. Schwarz, "Multiple Pinhole Nuclear Imaging using Targeted Nano-particles for Accurate Tumors Margin Detection," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanomedicine (2020). Keynote Presentation.
- A. Schwarz, N. Ozana, A. Semer, R. Califa, H. Genish, and Z. Zalevsky, "Photonic Non-Contact Tomographic & Volumetric Tissue Probing," Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy 2020, OSA, SM3D.1 (2020). Invited paper.
- A. Schwarz, N. Ozana, A. Shemer, R. Califa, H. Genish and Z. Zalevsky, "Secondary Speckles based Tomography and Tissue Probing," Optical Methods for Inspection, Characterization, and Imaging of Biomaterials IV, (2019). Keynote Presentation.
- A. Schwarz, N. Ozana, A. Shemer, R. Califa, H. Genish and Z. Zalevsky, "Elasticity and Depth Measurement using Both Secondary Speckle and Time Multiplexing Interference," Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology - Volume 1: PHOTOPTICS, 255-262 (2019). Oral presentation.
- A. Schwarz, J. Wang, A. Shemer, Z. Zalevsky and B. Javidi, "Time Multiplexed Pinhole Array based Lensless Three-dimensional Imager," Proc. SPIE 9867, Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 98670R (2016). Invited paper.