Research Interests:
Storage systems and Big Data, Distributed Internet systems and Algorithms, Computer Networks, Knowledge Repositories and Natural Language Processing
Representative Publications:
- M. Allalouf, A. Cohen, L. Cohen Sabban, A Dassa, S Marciano and S Melnitzer Beris, “Music Recommendation System for Old People with Dementia and other Age-Related Conditions”, 13th Int. Conf. on Health Informatics, HEALTHINF 2020.
- I. Ainbinder, M. Allalouf, N. Braslavski, and H. Mahdizada, Reducing Marketplace Response Time by Scoring Workers, IEEE 11th International conference on Service Oriented Computing and Application, SOCA 2018.
- M. Allalouf, A. Artyomov, and D. Mendelsson, “LODLI: Linked Open Data Back-End System for Libraries Interoperability”, KEOD (IC3K) 2015
- M. Allalouf, G. Gershinsky, L. Lewin-Eytan and Joseph (Seffi) Naor, “Smart Grid Network Optimization: Data-Quality-Aware Volume Reduction”, IEEE Systems Journal, Special Issue on “Smart Grid Communications Systems”, 2014
- E. Kolodner, S. Tal, D. Kyriazis, D. Naor, M. Allalouf, E. Bayuh, L. Bonelli, P. Brand, A. Eckert, E. Elmroth, S. Gogouvitis, D. Harnik, F. Hernandez, M. Jaeger, J. Lopez, M. Lorenz, A. Messina, A. Shulman-Peleg, R. Talyansky and A. Voulodimos, “A Cloud Environment for Data-intensive Storage Services”, CloudCom 2011.
- M. Allalouf, M. Ben-Yehuda, J. Satran, I. Segall, "Block Storage Listener for Detecting File-Level Intrusions", Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST) 2010.
- M. Allalouf, Y. Arbitman, M. Factor, R. I Kat, K. Meth, D. Naor, "Storage modeling for power estimation", SYSTOR 2009.
- M. Allalouf and Y. Shavitt, "Centralized and Distributed Algorithms for Routing and Weighted Max-Min Fair Bandwidth Allocation", ACM/Transaction on Networking, Volume 16, Issue 5, 2008
- M. Allalouf, J. Chang, G. Durairaj, V. Lakamraju, O.Unsal, I. Koren and C. Krishna, "RAPIDS: A Simulator Testbed for Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems", HPC 1998
- L. Rudolph, M. Slivkin-Allalouf, and E. Upfal, "A Simple Load Balancing Scheme for Task Allocation in Parallel Machines", SPAA 1991

Dr. Miriam Allalouf
Faculty member of the department of Software Engineering