חיפושים נפוצים
תואר ראשון תואר שני לימודי ערב מלגות


Electro-Optics Lab

Electric & Electrical Engineering Department

Final Projects Manager

Research Interests:

  • Pinhole optics, Medical imaging, Biomedical optics, Optical super resolution and Electro-optical devices.

Representative Publications:

Articles in Refereed Journals

  1. A. Schwarz, A. Shemer, Y. Danan, R. Bar-Shalom, H. Avraham, A. Zlotnik and Z. Zalevsky, "Gamma Radiation Imaging System via Variable and Time-Multiplexed Pinhole Arrays," Sensors 20(11), 1-14 (2020).
  2. M. Benyamin, H. Genish, R. Califa, A. Schwarz, Z. Zalevsky and N. Ozana, "Non-contact Photoacoustic Imaging using Laser Speckle Contrast Analysis," Optics Letters 44(12), 3110-3113 (2019).
  3. A. Schwarz, N. Ozana, R. Califa, A. Shemer, H. Genish and Z. Zalevsky, "Coherent Elastographic Tomography via Speckle Time Multiplexing," Quantum Electronics 49(1), 35-42 (2019). Invited paper.
  4. Y. Danan, A. Schwarz, M. Sinvani and Z. Zalevsky, "Sensitivity Enhanced Photo-thermal Borders Detection in Bio-phantoms Enriched with Gold Nanoparticles," Advanced Materials Letters 9(7), 471-475 (2018).
  5. I. Gabay, A. Shemer, A. Schwarz and Z. Zalevsky, "2D Mono Detection Spatially Super-resolved Microwave Imaging for Radar Applications," Applied Optics 57(7), B114-B121 (2018).
  6. A. Schwarz, J. Wang, A. Shemer, Z. Zalevsky and B. Javidi, "Lensless Three-dimensional Integral Imaging using Variable and Time Multiplexed Pinhole Array," Optics Letters 40(8), 1814-1817 (2015).

Chapters in Scientific Books

  1. Z. Zalevsky, A. Schwarz, A. Gur, R. Aharoni, A. Weiss, D. Fixler, Y. Garini, D. Mendlovic, V. Micó, C. Ferreira and J. García, "Usage of Wavelength Multiplexing for Super Resolved Imaging and Spatial Data Compression," Advances in Communications and Media Research, Volume 9, Nova publishers (2013).

Peer-Reviewed Proceedings and Conference Proceedings

  1. A. Shemer, Y. Danan and A. Schwarz, "Multiple Pinhole Nuclear Imaging using Targeted Nano-particles for Accurate Tumors Margin Detection," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanomedicine (2020). Keynote Presentation.
  2. A. Schwarz, N. Ozana, A. Semer, R. Califa, H. Genish, and Z. Zalevsky, "Photonic Non-Contact Tomographic & Volumetric Tissue Probing," Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy 2020, OSA, SM3D.1 (2020). Invited paper.
  3. A. Schwarz, N. Ozana, A. Shemer, R. Califa, H. Genish and Z. Zalevsky, "Secondary Speckles based Tomography and Tissue Probing," Optical Methods for Inspection, Characterization, and Imaging of Biomaterials IV, (2019). Keynote Presentation.
  4. A. Schwarz, N. Ozana, A. Shemer, R. Califa, H. Genish and Z. Zalevsky, "Elasticity and Depth Measurement using Both Secondary Speckle and Time Multiplexing Interference," Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology – Volume 1: PHOTOPTICS, 255-262 (2019). Oral presentation.
  5. A. Schwarz, J. Wang, A. Shemer, Z. Zalevsky and B. Javidi, "Time Multiplexed Pinhole Array based Lensless Three-dimensional Imager," Proc. SPIE 9867, Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 98670R (2016). Invited paper.


Dr. Ariel Schwarz

Faculty member of the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
לייעוץ אישי