Academic Staff Deputy chair department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Research Interests
- Information systems
- Inventive thinking
- Internet marketing
Representative Publications
Peer reviewed papers
- Jacob Goldenberg , Roni Horowitz , Amnon Levav , David Mazursky , “Finding Your Innovation Sweet Spot”, Harvard Business Review, Mar 1, 2003.
- Maimon O. Horowitz R., “Sufficient Conditions for Inventive Solutions”, IEEE. Systems man and Cybernetics -part C: applications and reviews, Vol. 29, No.3, August 99.
Horowitz R. Larry S., “Internet Marketing” (in Hebrew), Mentor 2011.
- Papers and Abstracts – proceedings of Conferences
- Horowitz R. Maimon O., “SIT-A Method for Creative Problem Solving in Technology”, 7th International Conference on Thinking, Singapore, 1977.
- Maimon O. Horowitz R., “Creative Problem Solving in Engineering Design”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Production Research, Jerusalem 1995.
- Horowitz R., Goldenberg Y., ” Creative Problems Solving through Conflict Mapping”, Proceeding of the eighth Israeli Conference of Industrial Engineering And Management, Tel-Aviv, 1996.
- Horowitz R. Maimon O., “Creative Design Methodology and the Sit Method”, Proceedings of DETC ‘ 97: 1997 ASM Design Engineering Technical Conference, Sacramento, 1997 (this paper won the Xerox Best Paper Award).
- Horowitz R. Maimon O., ” Creative Identification of Customer Needs: a Pre- QFD Method”, third international Symposiums on QFD, Linkoping (Sweden), 1997.