
Academic Staff Deputy chair department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Research Interests

  • Information systems
  • Inventive thinking
  • Internet marketing

Representative Publications

Peer reviewed papers

  1. Jacob Goldenberg , Roni Horowitz , Amnon Levav , David Mazursky , “Finding Your Innovation Sweet Spot”, Harvard Business Review, Mar 1, 2003.
  2. Maimon O. Horowitz R., “Sufficient Conditions for Inventive Solutions”, IEEE. Systems man and Cybernetics -part C: applications and reviews, Vol. 29, No.3, August 99.


Horowitz R. Larry S., “Internet Marketing” (in Hebrew), Mentor 2011.

  1. Papers and Abstracts – proceedings of Conferences
  2. Horowitz R. Maimon O., “SIT-A Method for Creative Problem Solving in Technology”, 7th International Conference on Thinking, Singapore, 1977.
  3. Maimon O. Horowitz R., “Creative Problem Solving in Engineering Design”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Production Research, Jerusalem 1995.
  4. Horowitz R., Goldenberg Y., ” Creative Problems Solving through Conflict Mapping”, Proceeding of the eighth Israeli Conference of Industrial Engineering And Management, Tel-Aviv, 1996.
  5. Horowitz R. Maimon O., “Creative Design Methodology and the Sit Method”, Proceedings of DETC ‘ 97: 1997 ASM Design Engineering Technical Conference, Sacramento, 1997 (this paper won the Xerox Best Paper Award).
  6. Horowitz R. Maimon O., ” Creative Identification of Customer Needs: a Pre- QFD Method”, third international Symposiums on QFD, Linkoping (Sweden), 1997.