חיפושים נפוצים
תואר ראשון תואר שני לימודי ערב מלגות

Research interests:

Optical Image Processing, Signal Processing, Fuzzy Logic, Engineering Education.

Representative publications:

  1. "Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions", Michael E. Auer, and Tiia Rüütmann (Eds.), E. Gur, Jewish Orthodox Female in Israel Higher Education A Test Case, Springer Nature 757-763 (2021).
  2. Toward fast malaria detection by secondary speckle sensing microscopy‏, D Cojoc, S Finaurini, P Livshits, E Gur, A Shapira, V Mico, Z Zalevsky‏, Biomedical optics express  3 (5), 991-1005 (2012).
  3. Super-resolution via iterative phase retrieval for blurred and saturated biological images, E. Gur, V. Sarafis, I. Falat, F. Vacha, M. Vacha and Z. Zalevsky, Optics Express, Vol. 16, Issue 11, pp. 7894-7903 (2008).
  4. Cell nuclei segmentation using fuzzy logic engine, G. Begelrnan, E. Gur, E. Rivlin, M. Rudzsky, Z. Zalevsky‏, International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. 5, 2937-2940‏, 65 (2004).

Dr. Eran Gur

Faculty member of the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
לייעוץ אישי