חיפושים נפוצים
תואר ראשון תואר שני לימודי ערב מלגות


Academic Staff

:Research interests

English for Professional Purposes

Genre and learning/teaching writing

Systemic Functional Linguistics: Appraisal

:Representative Publications

Broido, M. & Portman, D. (2022). ‘Preparing Future Global Professionals: Technology-Enhanced Group PBL Pedagogy’ in F. Carra-Salsberg, M. Figueredo, & M. Jeon (Eds.) Curriculum Design and Praxis in Language Teaching: A Globally Informed Approach (pp. 168-175). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Portman, D. & Broido, M. (2019). 'Apprenticing Future Economists: Analysing an ESP Course through the Lense of the New CEFR'. Language Learning in Higher Education. DOI  10.1515/cercles-2019-0021

Portman, D. & Coffin, C. (2019). ‘An ELL’s Journey in Learning to Demonstrate Solidarity in Job Application Letters’ Linguistics and the Human Sciences.

Broido, M., & Portman, D.F. (2017). 'Building Bridges, Creating Competencies: ESP Capacity Building for the Israeli Information Technology Industry'. The Asian ESP Journal. 13(2), 35-71.  ISSN. 2206-0979


Dr. Daniel Portman

Lecturer Academic Studies in English
Academic Studies in English
לייעוץ אישי